Wool & Tarnish

a collection of thoughts, crafts, and shiny things

Hello there! My name is Indigo, and this is mostly a space for me to share and organize my projects. I’m a knitter based in Texas, but in general have too many hobbies. For more about me, visit my about page, and follow me on my socials below!

Words of Radiance
Art Nouveau, 1890-1914

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Hello and welcome to Wool & Tarnish! My name is Indigo, and I’m a queer crafter from Texas nearing 30. This blog is a little bit of everything; from stories from my life, whatever hobby I’m working on, knitting patterns, and opinions. I live in a house built in 1956 and it’s constantly under some sort of improvement or changing decoration. Together my partner and I have a small zoo of six animals, two tortoiseshell cats named Nyx and Morrigan and four dogs named Cassie, Captain, Bilbo, and Foxy. I also have quite a few plants, love antique and vintage decor, and am obsessed with the color green.